Bible Study

Open Bible with pen (4543060842)

We're blessed that we have so many opportunities to study the Bible, individually and corporately.  However, it's not always easy with young children. So we've noted when a Bible study group has childcare, concurrent sessions for children and adults, or accommodations so everyone in the family can attend together.

We're also listing groups which our members attend so you can have fellowship with other homeschooling parents - these may not have childcare or children's groups.On the map below, click on the square icon besides the title "Bible Study Groups". This shows checkboxes, e.g. you can select to view those with childcare only.

San Mateo County

Bible Study Fellowship - Peninsula Covenant Church, Redwood City  Wednesday 9:30am-11am Women
Infant and toddler care
Homeschool groups (ages 5-15)

Note: To register, email bsfredwoodcitydw AT gmail DOT com 
Bible Study Fellowship - Western Hills Church, San Mateo Thursday 9:20am -11am Women
Preschool-aged children
Community Bible Study - Waypoint (formerly First Presbyterian Church), San Mateo Wednesdays 9:15am-11:15am Men
Women (childcare up to 2 years)
Children (preschool 2 years-K, Bible study 1st-3rd grades)
Bible Study - Central Peninsula Church, Foster City Wednesdays 9:45am-11:45am Women
Children's program (0-6 years, special request for other ages may be made to co-ordinator).
Wednesdays (online) 7pm -9pm Women
Bible Study Fellowship - Church of the Highlands, San Bruno  Monday 7pm -8:25pm Women
School-aged children
Bible Study - New North Church, San Francisco Wednesdays 9:45am Women
Wednesdays (Online) 7pm Women


Santa Clara County

Bible Study Fellowship - Peninsula Bible Church, Palo Alto Tuesdays 9:30am-11am Women
Children's lessons (0-18 years)
PETRA - Valley Church, Cupertino Thursdays 9:15am-11:30am Women
Children's program (3mo-5years)
School-aged program (PETRA, grades 1-9) which teaches Christ-centered world history with Bible application. Small fee for PETRA.
Family Bible Study - First Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Sunnyvale Tuesday 10:30am-? Encourages families to study together. Young children can sit in, or play in a nursery which overlooks the study room.


San Francisco County

Bible Study Fellowship  - First Baptist Church, San Francisco Tuesday 7pm- 8:25pm Men
School-aged children

There is also a satellite women's group that meets in a different area after joint worship so families can keep on the same schedule.
Bible Study Fellowship (Satellite group) - Golden Gate Church, San Francisco Wednesday 7pm- 8:25pm Women
Bible Study Fellowship (Satellite group) - San Francisco Chinese Baptist Church Tuesday 7pm- 8:25pm Women
Community Bible Study - Sunset Church Wednesdays 9:15am - 11:30am Women and children (0 to 8th grade, contact them for high school options)

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